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Hammond produces a broad range of standard products, provides factory modification services and technical support to electrical and electronic original equipment manufacturers both directly and through a global network of agents and distributors.

Distribution is a key channel to market, providing customers with ex-stock availability of standard products.

Specialising in the design and manufacture of die-cast aluminium, plastic and metal enclosures for portable and hand held equipment, desktop instruments, miniature controllers and similar applications, investment in high performance manufacturing equipment and continuous improvement management techniques ensure consistently high product quality.

High service levels, measured in terms of stock availability, technical support, rapid factory modifications and close relationships with major distribution partners are key measures of the business.

Продуктов списък от Hammond

Automation & Process Control

Batteries & Chargers

Cable, Wire & Cable Assemblies


Cooling & Thermal Management


Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards

Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Fasteners & Mechanical

Passive Components

Raspberry Pi

Sensors & Transducers

Tools & Production Supplies


Показване на всички продукти (4 950)

Нови продукти от Hammond

Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Показване на всички продукти (47)


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