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Намерете експерти, инженери и ентусиасти. От инженери за инженери.

element14 community

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Decades of experiences in the development and manufacturing of connector systems based on research work to their function principle are the basis for success in the specialist fields of contact technology and electromechanics. Since foundation of the company, customer and market orientation, especially proximity to our customers is a central point of the company philosophy and basis for our success. With our product range Hirschmann Test & Measurement, we provide a reliable brand of safety measuring leads and test accessories according to standard IEC 61010.

The quality standard of Richard Hirschmann products is a basis to ensure and continue developing the business segment of Test & Measurement. For you, it‘s good to know that you can rely on our products relating to professional expertise and inventiveness of SKS, that will continue the successful tradition of the inventor of banana plug purposefully with its own know-how. Different systems and product groups provide for each specific application the right accessory.

Продуктов списък от Hirschmann Testmeasurement

Test & Measurement

Tools & Production Supplies

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